Inform employees better: Sustainable success with internal communication

Annika Kopp


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Find out why keeping employees informed through internal communication is the key to sustainable corporate success.


Inform employees better: Sustainable success with internal communication

In today's dynamic working world, effective internal communication is the key to a company's long-term success. It not only serves the function of informing employees, but also promotes employee motivation and the speed of action in emergency situations.with this blog article, we would like to give you as a manager some practical tips on how to keep employees better informed. Whether through a suitable strategy or the use of digital tools such as IDERI note for alerting employees - there are numerous ways in which you can improve your internal communication and thus ensure the long-term success of your company.

‍Internal communication - a necessity with a big impact

‍What is internal communication?

Internal communication, often referred to as employee communication, is an important tool for company management. It runs between the management level and employees to communicate important goals, information and daily news. Both formal channels such as the official company website and informal channels such as the flow of information in the hallway play an important role here, and employees want clear guidance and a regular and reliable exchange of information from their superiors. This applies in particular to new developments in the company, but also to the onboarding of new employees. Ultimately, it is also essential to inform employees correctly in order to react appropriately in emergencies, be it a data breach or a fire.

‍Digital employee communication is indispensable in today's working world

The way in which internal communication takes place has changed over time. While daily meetings in the office used to be the norm, many employees now work from home. In many industries, such as the hotel, care and construction sectors, employees are not tied to a fixed workplace with a desktop PC. For this reason, digital and mobile employee communication is becoming increasingly important. They break down traditional barriers and promote the networking of staff at various locations. It also contributes to the transparency of developments within the company and supports mutual exchange.

Less misunderstandings and more productivity

Effective internal communication is more than just a necessity in modern companies. Keeping employees informed and up to date on relevant developments and events is one of the most important factors for a productive working environment. A company that relies on clear and open dialog with employees reduces misunderstandings and errors at work. At the same time, it helps to integrate new employees quickly in terms of onboarding and to retain them in the company in the long term. In this way, successful internal communication ensures a respectful and effective company orientation.

‍Informing employees - what companies should definitely pay attention to

Keeping employees properly informed requires a number of considerations. In the modern working world, it is no longer enough to keep communication between levels in the company to a minimum. Instead, employees want to feel taken seriously and valued by their superiors. Follow these five aspects to get closer to effective internal communication:

  • Set clear communication goals: Define and record what information you want to communicate to your employees and what goals you want to achieve with it. Pay particular attention to the status quo of the way in which you inform employees and ask yourself how the situation can be improved.
  • Choose suitable Communication tools: The challenge lies in selecting from the variety of tools available those that meet the needs of employees and support the goals you have set. In particular, employees who are rarely at a fixed workplace require special solutions in order to be equally involved in corporate communication.
  • Clearly define responsibilities: Whether through the HR department, marketing or a dedicated communications department, responsibilities for internal communications must be clearly assigned. Those responsible must be aware of their role and have sufficient capacity to fulfill their duties.
  • Maintain open and honest communication: Directness and honesty are essential to promote trust within the team and positively influence the working atmosphere.
  • Important information should be communicated internally first, eliminating unnecessary tools: To ensure efficient communication, it makes sense to reduce the number of channels used to a minimum. This simplifies communication processes and saves time.

‍The right tools for informing employees

What is the best medium for reliably informing employees? It should support both personal and digital interaction and be accessible, secure and compliant with data protection regulations. Use the following tools to keep your employees up to date:

  • Email newsletter or digital company magazine: Regular, up-to-date and relevant content
  • Chat-based communication: Short ways to keep employees informed and easy creation of teams and groups
  • Video conferences: Important to maintain personal contact with employees, especially mobile working staff
  • Project management tools: Perfect organization, work distribution and documentation for specific tasks
  • Alerting software: Maximum speed of action in an emergency, such as a data breach or violent assault

In addition to the positive benefits of digital communication, traditional face-to-face meetings, whether in person or online, should not be neglected. Despite all the communication tools that have become established in recent years, employees receive the best possible appreciation and support in this way.

‍Secure emergency communication with IDERI note

It is essential for companies to communicate quickly and clearly with all or selected employees in exceptional situations such as emergencies, urgent announcements or security-related warnings. An effective method is silent alerting using IDERI note, which does not require disruptive alarm sounds and reaches employees directly on their desktop or mobile device. Originally developed for a chemical company, IDERI note enables employees to be informed immediately and unambiguously at critical moments - whether in the event of a fire, disaster or health hazard. An alarm can be triggered in various ways, such as a special button, a foot switch or key combinations.

‍IDERI note - the alerting software for all scenarios

This software not only enables the transmission of emergency notifications, but also information on data protection, IT security and personnel matters through customizable messages. With a receipt and read confirmation, the sender of the alert, usually a manager, can ensure that the messages have been received. With IDERI note, employees are informed effectively and at the right time, with the software allowing both immediate and scheduled alerts. The tool is proving to be indispensable in a variety of scenarios and industries for informing employees quickly, directly and discreetly.


In summary, it can be said that well-structured internal communication is crucial for the long-term success of a company. Not only does it enable information to be passed on quickly and efficiently, it also increases employee motivation and reduces the potential for frustration caused by misunderstandings and misinformation. Investing in appropriate communication platforms and continually striving for empathetic and purposeful dialog is a major contributor to achieving company goals together. At a time when the world of work is subject to constant change, digital employee communication in particular is proving to be a guarantee of success.

Find out more about the IDERI note notification software now

Frequently asked questions about internal communication

Hier finden Sie unsere Antworten

Internal communication encompasses all processes and measures that serve to exchange information and knowledge within a company, more specifically between employees and managers. It aims to inform employees about relevant developments, goals and changes and promotes dialog between different levels and departments.

Effective internal communication makes a significant contribution to employee satisfaction and motivation, improves teamwork and increases productivity. It ensures transparency, reduces misunderstandings and conflicts and supports the implementation of a communicative corporate culture.

Companies use a variety of tools, including email newsletters, intranets, employee apps, video conferencing systems and instant messaging services. The choice of tools depends on the specific needs of the company, the employee structure and the corporate culture. Alerting software such as IDERI note, which allows you to maintain a direct and immediate line to your employees in an emergency, is also essential.‍

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