IDERI note 3.7 ist out now! You can find below the brand new features.
Fullscreen mode support for the IDERI note client.
Fullscreen mode support for the IDERI note client. In addition to the traditional messenger style user interface and the old-style user interface, IDERI note messages can now be shown to the user with a fullscreen user interface with an optional lock of the workstation. The fullscreen user interface allows a plethora of customization options, such as the background color or the text color of the user interface or the specification of a company logo.
Performance improvements
Improved response times through speed improvements and new setting options in IDERI note Administrator.
As always, there is more detailed information about all the innovations in the IDERI note manual!
Are you interested in the IDERI note Mobile Client App or do you need additional licenses for your environment? Feel free to contact our team : +49 711 3416 7060 /