Major disruption in Microsoft services - How to inform your employees as quickly as possible

Annika Kopp


min Lesezeit

A disruption at Microsoft is causing major and worldwide problems for businesses Wednesday morning. The worst case scenario occurs...


January 2023: No video calls, no access to mails and huge delays in sending messages.
A disruption at Microsoft is causing major and worldwide problems for businesses Wednesday morning.

The worst case occurs: Your employees start the computers in the morning, cannot work as usual and are helpless at first. Now your employees report to support, which is completely overloaded by the countless calls.

How did you inform your employees about the disruption today?
Solution: With the IDERI note notification software, you inform your employees quickly, effectively and at the right time about important events.

Do you want to effectively inform your employees the next time a disruption occurs? Then request an offer now.

Would you like to alert your employees effectively the next time there is a fault? ‍

Then request an offer now.

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