You are currently viewing IDERI note version 3.10 release

IDERI note version 3.10 release

It’s that time again – a new IDERI note release is out! You can find below the brand new features.

IDERI note Client: introduction of new application styles and adaptation to user preferences

The IDERI note client now comes with three new application styles: “Windows light”, “Windows dark” and “Windows auto”. The new default style is “Windows Auto”, which displays pop-up windows in light or dark mode depending on the user’s settings. Customers who distribute IDERI note Client with an old MSI transformation file are not affected by this change. The ini file still contains the old application style, but can be replaced by one of the new styles when the IDERI note client customisation wizard is run again.

Changes to the default appearance of the IDERI note client and support for light and dark modes

The default look of the IDERI note client has also changed insomuch as it now uses updated builtin IDERI logos, unless branded to use custom logos.

Improved accessibility in the IDERI note client and full support for screen readers

The IDERI note client has been overhauled completely with much increased accessibility to provide blind or visually impaired users the same experience that sighted users have. This includes full operability using the keyboard (using the tab key, enter key, escape key and the space key) and meaningful additional annotations for user interface elements.

Improved accessibility in the IDERI note administrator: annotations and accelerator keys for blind users

The IDERI note administrator has also been made more accessible. The most frequently used scenarios and commands have been supplemented by annotations and acceleration keys for blind users.

IDERI note client customisation wizard with French localisation

The IDERI note administration tools now ship with a localized French user interface for the client customization wizard as well as with ADMX templates localized into French.

As always, you’ll find more detailed information on all the new features in the IDERI note user guide!

Are you interested in the IDERI note Mobile Client application or do you need additional licences for your environment? Please contact our team:

The latest version of IDERI note is now available for download: